Discover EasyCare
The EasyCare™ Sheep is a revolutionary breed of sheep which requires minimal shepherding and veterinary care, sheds its fleece in the summer, does not need shearing and yet offers excellent meat yields and lambing ratios. The fleece is kempy, leaving a dense hair covered in lanolin. The shed fleece rapidly decomposes as a natural soil conditioner. The breed seldom succumbs to heat stress yet the dense nature of their fleece means they can withstand harsh weather.
Why EasyCare?

Low Input
Self shedding. Minimal birth assistance. Low labour requirement.

Ideal for outdoor lambing systems, due to their thrify nature.

Great converters of pasture with good lambing ratios. Prime meat yields with excellent eating quality.

Great Mothers
EasyCare ewes are particulary maternal, taking good care of their lambs.

Vigorous Lambs
Lambs are born with a strong will to live, generally suckling within minutes of being born.

Virile Rams
Rams can cover many ewes without losing body condition.

EasyCare by name. EasyCare by nature.
Take the hassle out of sheep farming.
What Farmers Say

Our Partners
EasyCare Sheep Ireland work with many groups to promote the EasyCare sheep breed. Check out some of our partners below.

Sheep Ireland
Performance recording organisation in Ireland.

EasyCare Sheep Society (UK)
EasyCare Sheep Society in the UK promoting the EasyCare sheep breed.

Become a Partner
Please reach out if you would like to partner with us.